Every day at:
Winter schedule (From 1st October to 31 March)10Am, and 3:00Pm
Summer schedule (From 1st April to 30 September)10Am, and 4:30Pm!
("lisbon sightseeing","lisbon sightseeing tours"
No reservations need *( We don't acept groups bigger than 4, please read at the bottom groups need reservation)
Just show up (bring water, a snack and good shoes for the 7 hills of Lisbon). For more info. contact 00351 916060768 All seasons: Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter
The tour runs in all weather.(Still, If it's stormy and you are a brave enough to come, please contact us at least 2 hour before)
Vueltas Libres en Español: (Tours in Spanish)
De momento suspendido,
Solo tienes que estar en la plaza Luís de Camões unos minutos antes para saludar el guia.
una compañía pequeña y no queremos descaracterizar nuestra cuidad y
cultura y os queremos transmitir el verdadero sentimiento
Portugués/Lisboeta por eso no tenemos un grande paraguas rojo
Pedimos disculpas por esta lamentable situación
Desafortunadamente no depende de nosotros.
Punto de encuentro Plaza Luis de Camões, busca el guia que lleva un bolsa reciclado con un simbolo amarillo como en la imagen abajo (Lisboa es la ciudad de las 7 colinas, así que prepárate para caminar, trae agua y un bocata).
Be sure to look for the right guides wearing the
Other companies, start their tours our meeting point and at the same time as we do.

make sure you find the right authentic local guide using a Recycled Silverbag with a tram, and join us on the best free walking tour The Lisbon Chill Out Original Free Tour
Our old Bags:
For more information/doubts please contact us - Chilloutlisbon@gmail.com or Mobile number: 00351 916 060 768
*NOTE: If you’re traveling in a large group four or more, than you must pre-register your group (at least 72h in advance) to participate in the FREE TOUR. We reserve the right to deny participation in the FREE TOUR to any participant or group, for any reason.